Friday, February 09, 2007

Yes I am still alive....

Ok, right to put all the rumours to rest, Sam hasn't killed/raped me, I haven't been murdered by a crazy koala and basically I'n perfectly fine. Along with being perfectly fine, I'm still very lazy! Hence the fact that its basically been a month since I've written on here.

I'm gonna veer away from the borderline racist rants that have been a feature of this blog and stick to generally conveying pretty much the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

So to begin with...................Sam's come out the closet. It was a shock to Roz but really those of us who know him weren't in the slightest surprised. Apparently it was the memory of kissing edd bower that finally drove him over the edge.
Ok, so I may have meandered slightly from the truth there but I feel I have to put my own slant on events, mainly slandering Sam.

We're still in Melbourne having found gainful employment as removals men. Thats exactly what we studied degree level maths and physics for. To carry large boxes, hmmmm............

Roz has arrived out here and is setting about whipping us both into shape. Apparently we've been lazy out here as we haven't actually seen that much of the country. Then again its pretty large and we are exceptionally good at doing nothing.
We've been here over half the time planned now and basically we've seen the three major cities. So now thanks to some motivation courtesy of Roy, we've got our arses into gear and are heading to sydney and then onto cairns and the great barrier reef. Where I think we're gonna go subnautical for a bit.

My life still revolves around sport, damn both ireland and cheltenham town for ruining my last weekend but at least the cricket has picked up. Apparently they found out your supposed to hit the ball rather than waft at it in a rather half arsed manner. Still we will lose, it's inevitable...........

Oh well, till I write again! Which may be some time all the best to everyone back there! Enjoy winter mwahahahahahaha!

"Swansea, oh Swansea, oh City said I. I'll stand there on the north bank till the day I die. Take me to the Vetch Field way down by the sea. There I'll follow Swansea, Swansea City!"


Blogger Dunn said...

(quote=Morgan)"So now thanks to some motivation courtesy of Roy..."(/quote)

Who's this Roy fella, and exactly what are his motivational techniques?

12:10 PM  
Blogger Morgan said...

roy is a nickname for roz! because whenever she wants to buy any ovelty products (i.e numberplates, mugs etc,) roz is never available!

3:16 PM  

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